How to Explain Your Bubble App to Investors

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The development of apps is being revolutionized by no-code platforms like, which enable individuals and small teams to build complex web and mobile applications without having to write any code. When seeking to pitch a no-code app you’ve created on to investors, it’s likely that you’ll be asked about your tech stack, so we put together this guide to cover everything you need to answer your potential investors about your no-code app.

Do investors actually care if your product was created on a no-code platform like

Not necessarily, in fact, the majority of investors are searching for a winning concept, a solid product-market fit, evidence of demand, and an effective, long-term business strategy. One of the best ways to achieve this is by getting an MVP to market and getting feedback from actual customers. Bubble is a fantastic tool for startups and product concepts because of the ability to create MVPs in rapid time without needing knowledge of traditional coding methods. 

Below we’ll cover the most common questions potential investors might ask concerning Bubble along with their responses:

What exactly is

Bubble is a cloud-based no-code platform that allows users to create web applications visually without needing to write any code. With over 1 million web applications built on Bubble, it is one of the most popular and earliest players in the no-code space. People all over the world use Bubble’s intuitive visual editor to build a wide variety of applications, from startups to internal management tools and personal projects. Bubble streamlines the process of building web products, from marketplaces to CRMs to social networks, significantly reducing development time. Once an app is created, it is hosted on Bubble’s cloud platform and can automatically scale to meet demand. Users have full ownership over their application’s design, workflows, and data, while Bubble retains ownership of the underlying engine.

Why are you building your product with

There are several reasons why start-ups and SMEs across the globe have chosen Bubble as their platform of choice for building their web applications. Here we will discuss the most important reasons for building with Bubble…

Speed & Cost

One of the key benefits of a no-code app built on is its speed and cost-effectiveness. Because you don’t need to hire developers or spend months writing code, you can bring your app to market much faster and at a lower cost than a traditional app. This can be a major selling point for investors, who are always looking for ways to minimize risk and maximize returns.

Flexibility & Scalability

Another important aspect to highlight is the flexibility and scalability of a app.’s drag-and-drop interface and pre-built templates make it easy to create a wide range of different types of apps and add new features and functionality as needed. This means that as your app grows and evolves, you’ll be able to adapt and scale it quickly and easily, without needing to rewrite any code.

What other successful apps built on are available as examples?

The Showcase lists hundreds of apps that have been built on the platform. 

Below are just a few apps built on Bubble that have had great success:

  • Comet scaled its freelancing platform built on Bubble to $800,000 in revenue before raising its first $13M in investment.
  • Teal raised $5 million for their career platform based on Bubble.
  • Cuure a personalized supplements company has raised €1.8M from investors for their app built entirely on Bubble.
  • Dividend Finance has raised over $330 million for its Bubble app which offers a solar panel financing platform for homeowners and a CRM for installers.

What technology does Use?

Bubble is a web application development tool that uses a JSON-based declarative language to enable both non-technical and technical users to assemble web applications. It allows users to seamlessly integrate hand-coded javascript modules into a functional node.js application. The platform supports both front-end javascript components, which can be freely combined, and back-end server components, which can be linked together. Bubble is intended to replace traditional web development languages and frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and node.js on the back end, and React, HTML, JS, and CSS on the front end.

How stable is the Platform? is a stable platform for building and scaling web applications for a number of reasons. First of all, Bubble has a very large community of users (Bubblers) who have been creating and scaling apps of various types and sizes over an extended period of time. This indicates that the platform has been tested and improved over time and has a proven track record as a trustworthy solution for creating web apps.

Secondly, the Bubble platform offers a simple drag-and-drop interface for creating and designing web pages, lowering the possibility of mistakes and instability that can happen while writing code. Additionally, includes a built-in serverless backend that enables automatic application hosting and scalability, reducing downtime, and guaranteeing seamless operation.

Thirdly, offers a variety of pre-built functionalities, such as user authentication and data storage, which are crucial for creating web applications and can assist to reduce potential errors and conflicts. As well as an inbuilt debugging tool to enable users to quickly and efficiently identify and solve any bugs they may have in their app. 

Overall, the platform is a stable and reliable platform that provides a user-friendly interface, automatic scalability, and hosting, as well as a number of built-in functions for developing market-leading web apps which makes it the number one choice for over 1 million Bubblers across the globe.


In summary, when it comes to explaining your Bubble app to investors, it’s important to focus on the benefits that come with the visual programming platform. You should focus on the speed and cost-effectiveness of building the app as well as the flexibility and scalability of the platform.

If you need help developing your web application built on Bubble. Get in touch with our team of expert Bubble developers to discuss your project.

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